
I feel proud to be Managing Director of the upcoming Thermal Power Project and accepting the responsibility along with my whole hearted & dedicated Board of Directors. At the out set I am very much thankful to all my employee friends starting with my office boy to top brackets who are toiling hard from the very early morning till late night in turning the dream project to reality. The project team headed by Director (Tech) being associated with VP (Projects), Director (Projects), Director (Admin), GM (Projects) have done a highly commendable job in transforming the paper drawing dimensions to structural erections leading & getting ready for power generation.

I am thankful on behalf of the company to the administration starting from our village Bainchua, Block level, District level officials including Collector & District Magistrate and at State level who have faith on us & our group company for fulfilling the end product of power generation by July 2011. On our appraisal relating to the developments on the project Govt. of Orissa is actively considering our Phase –II application for set up of another unit of 1 X 60 MW so as to make our total generation capacity for 120 MW at Bainchua Site.

As a part of ancillary industry we are planning for setting up of a fly ash brick unit & a cement plant which are already in the procedural progress.Once again I extend my warm regards affection & good wishes to all concerned & my fellow employee friends.

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